Simplify your property management

Improve the profitability of your asset

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Occupancy rates fluctuate, maintenance costs, risks of deterioration, the hazards are numerous when you decide to rent your luxury apartment or chalet...

At Emerald Stay, our innovative concierge service will allow you to simplify your seasonal rental management by renting out more of your property and thus improve the profitability of your apartment or chalet.

Mature man with gray hair looking thoughtfully out the window, sunlight casting shadows on his face, in a dimly lit room.

Increase your rental income and free yourself from management constraints!

+30% revenue increase thanks to our distribution system

Renting longer and at the highest possible price is our priority. To achieve this, we have developed an algorithm that constantly analyses market prices to ensure that we are always perfectly positioned in relation to current supply and demand

Advice on purchasing, help with VAT recovery ...

We have partnered with one of the best law firms in France to enable owners to opt for the best tax structuring and to recover 20% of the purchase price of their property when the property qualifies.

100% flexibility on your booking calendar

We manage your property but it remains yours! You are free to stay whenever you want. You just need to block the dates you are interested in in the booking calendar of your property.

0 problems to manage and 100% protection

We check the identity of our clients and take a deposit before handing over the keys. We have also taken out a multi-million euro insurance policy to protect our property against any type of damage.


Our owners love our rental management services!

+ 500 Million

Value of properties under management in all our destinations

6 reasons to trust us

1. Emerald Stay intervenes in all stages of the rental process

Multichannel booking options, tailored customer attention, digital concierge, top-of-the-range hotel services, premium guest experience, on-site maintenance, and more. We are experts in handling every single aspect of the rental of your property, both online and on-the-ground, and are highly responsive and attentive to the needs of owners, not only of guests.


2. We optimise the occupancy of your villa, chalet or apartment

Homes for rental in non-urban destinations typically struggle to find tenants in low season. At Emerald Stay, we are obsessed with optimising the occupancy rate of your home throughout the year. We distribute your property in over 25 channels, maintain supercharged overnight pricing and data analytics to match demand, and package loyalty offers to boost the appeal of your home during off-peak months. We conduct professional photoshoots of all homes and deliver up-to-the-minute and rapid responses to all prospects and customers. We manage your home like a hotel and maintain a high level of service to ensure reservations come in throughout the whole year.


3. We put the security of your home and your peace of mind first

Although our focus as your exclusive home manager is on maximising your profits, our main value to you is our promise of security and reliability. No unpleasant surprises. To be faithful to this promise, our tech team has developed an application that assesses rental requests, checks customer IDs and retains security deposits, all before the guests are sent the address to your property. In parallel, our on-site manager ensures the smooth running of stays in case maintenance or other contingencies arise. Lastly, our custom insurance coverage ensures your home is fully protected.

Man relaxing on a couch with headphones, eyes closed, near a window with a view of greenery.

4. Your share of the earnings goes net into your pocket, no post-hoc invoicing

A 100% contract renewal rate is no coincidence. By choosing us, you offload the responsibilities associated with managing a second home, including the payment of invoices. The income paid by Emerald Stay for the rental of your property is a fixed share of the rental income generated by your home, and thus definitive and straightforward. Thanks to our newly developed app for owners, your income is also transparent, as you can follow the bookings, occupancy and reviews posted about your chalet or apartment on a real-time basi


5. We are experts in VAT refund structures

We have partnered with the best law firm in France to help owners of qualifying properties get a full 20% refund of the purchase price of their villa, chalet or apartment with peace of mind. We have a firm commitment to complying with the regulation and ensuring that owners who become our clients are fully protected and will not face legal issues, as is increasingly common in the area.


6. Continue to enjoy your villa, chalet or apartment at will

Monetising your second home does not mean you are restricted from using it, quite the contrary! Owning a home should come with the pleasures of staying in it, which is why our contract provides that you can continue to enjoy your property whenever you want to. Simply open your app, check the availability, and block the dates that interest you. We will take care of the rest!

A man and a woman relaxing on deck chairs, smiling and enjoying a sunny day on a wooden deck with a scenic view in the background.

Entrust us the management of your property


You're the owner of a villa, chalet or apartment in a non-urban destination and you'd like to trust us with its management?

Rue Fendt 1
1201 Geneva

Scenic view of a mountain village with traditional houses nestled among lush green hills under a clear sky.

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